Diplomat Team

Staying Engaged with Members

The individuals of the diplomat team are an extension of the Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce staff. By connecting with existing Chamber members, the diplomat team keeps businesses informed about the resources and opportunities that are available to them through their membership. Any feedback collected by the diplomat team is reported back to Chamber staff in a timely manner. These individuals are well-connected and knowledgeable about available resources and services that will contribute to the growth of your business. 

For more information regarding the Diplomat program, please call the Chamber at 417.624.4150.

How Diplomats Benefit Members

  • Gather information on any issues at the local and regional level, which may be affecting the business’s ability to succeed and thrive.
  • Access your satisfaction with your membership.
  • Evaluate members’ interest in being more active and getting involved; by inviting them to programs and events to make introductions.
  • Collect updated information so the Chamber keeps accurate records on the member business.

Current Diplomats

Rick Keller

Financial Advisor, Wells Fargo Advisors

Jamie Strickland

Marketing Manager, Southwest Missouri Bank

Amy Goddard

Go Sports Therapy

Drew Bridges

AVP Residential Lender, Guaranty Bank

Brett LaForest

AVP Consumer Lender, Guaranty Bank

Shawn Patterson

Commercial Sales Consultant, Bug Zero Pest Services

Michelle Kuehn

Director, Visiting Angels

Travis Keller

Lamar Outdoor Advertising

Austin Rose

Bedrock Bookkeeping

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