Legislative Advocacy

Businesses For A Better Joplin

Identifying Issues That Matter To Businesses

For many business owners, taking on political issues alone can be daunting and time-consuming. By bringing together organizations, topics can be addressed with a unified voice to improve the economic prosperity of the community. The Chamber serves as the principal advocate for the area business community at the local, state, and federal levels. The Chamber’s Public Policy Committee looks at issues that are relevant to Chamber members,  positioning the region for thoughtful, pro-business legislative policies.  

Preserving a healthy economy through advocacy benefits all the residents in our community. Creating an environment for all business sectors to thrive elevates the quality of life and opportunities for business owners and their employees.  

Donuts & Delegates

Bringing together our state-elected legislators and Chamber members to discuss issues that are important to the business community. Enjoy coffee and donuts and engage with your area law makers in a casual setting. 

Businesses for a Better Joplin PAC

Upon board approval, the Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce’s Political Action Committee (PAC) can be activated when a local or state ballot issue affects the business community and there is a strong consensus to take action.

Government Liaison for Local Business

We can connect chamber members with our state and federal legislators or state agency directors when issues arise.

Legislative Updates

The weekly memo sent to our membership on Mondays includes a synopsis of Missouri State legislative activity affecting our local businesses and industries.

NOTE: The Chamber does not support or endorse candidates for any office. We encourage all members to be informed voters and look at all the issues and candidates in every special, primary, and regular election.
